unsung stories
the show
Unsung Stories is an Australian podcast for christian mothers. The show interviews regular mums living out the gospel in regular, everyday life.
Motherhood, and being a mother, often feels unacclaimed, overlooked and unglorified. Unsung Stories wants to press into these feelings and show how God is working in these spaces - in the ordinary women in ordinary places. The women on the show are chosen because they are not famous, they aren't well known and they aren't even the theological gurus in our churches.
Through weakness, Gods power is on display.
He is working in these unsung moments.
Join us as we seek to know and love God more, be intentional in faithfully serving Jesus in this stage of life, being obedient to Gods word and pointing our families to know Him. No one can do this perfectly, though we hope that you find solidarity with other mums trying to do the same.

the host

Laura is the wife of Leon. They have four kids from baby - primary school ages. She lives on the Central Coast, NSW and attends EV Church.
Laura says, "Until motherhood, I never saw how far sin infiltrated my being. I wanted so badly to love my people perfectly, but I would never be enough, I will never meet all their needs, no matter how hard I want to".
After the first few years of motherhood spent battling anxiety, depression and anger, Laura came out of it thankful for the refinement and yearning to know God more.
"I went into motherhood with the perfectly formulated plan guaranteed to raise a christian kid. Bible studies every day, amazing resources, only christian shows and music, scripture memory. The plan came apart when I realised that toddlers don't care for 30 minute bible studies and Paw Patrol will prevail.
In my weakness and frustration, I was spilling out garbage. Yelling, controlling, instructing without modelling... I needed to show them how to live out faithful obedience, not live something different and simply tell them how they should be.
Now I prioritise my relationship with Jesus, worship with all my life, prioritise knowing God more through the word and spending time in prayer. My aim is not to raise tick-the-box christians, but rather model what it means to follow Jesus. Invite them in to my wrestle with sin, repent often (every 5 minutes some mornings!), chase Jesus, live faithfully, and pray. Pray that God holds them for all their days and they too will want to follow Jesus."