Stacey said something in her episode this week that has stuck out to me. She was sharing how its common to hear in Christian culture that we need to trust God in the storms. She was reflecting how it's these times that it's easy to trust God - everything's stripped back and taken away. The obvious choice is the only dependable, proven and trustworthy option: God.
I often find myself grateful for those storms. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy nothing of those hard times - the grief and the suffering that comes with it feels unbearable at times.
But, I do like a few things.
The light shines brighter in darkness. He seems more clear and the reality of this world and eternity is more obvious.
I am humbled - in every capacity, I am not enough. I am reminded there is only on who is, and he invites me to come, rest and learn from him. He assures me that he is leading me, with me and will not forsake me.
I long for heaven. And when I long for heaven, I see this world for the decaying creation it is. And I want everyone to know the truth, know the escape plan, know the way to turn. So I am more bold and intentional in sharing the gospel.
The comfort in these times is that God is working in them. In our weakness, his power is on display.